Mission Electronics

Customer Testimonials

Customer Satisfaction – Our Number One Goal
From recommending the industry’s leading technologies to offering ongoing system support, we know that great customer service starts long before a contract is ever signed and continues long after the system is installed.  Here’s what several of our current and past clients have to say about working with Mission Electronics.
“Mission Electronics is a valued provider and partner for us.  They have been proven to be responsive to our needs in providing support for our locations from coast to coast in the more than ten years we have worked with them.”

— CEC Entertainment, Inc., Dallas, Texas

“Mission Electronics has been a partner of the bank for over a decade.  Throughout this time they have given us excellent service and support.  They work with us on every phase of our projects beginning with design through the final implementation of our systems.  MEI is a reliable and trusted resource for us and we value our relationship with them.”

— UMB Bank, Kansas City, MO and National Locations
“Thank you for more than 5 years of great service and support. It is really nice to do business with people who still answer phones, are knowledgeable, and go out of their way to enable customers to meet deadlines and expectations.  I would not hesitate to pass on your name and company to anyone. Thanks again.”

— Delaval Services LLC, Kansas City, MO
“Our new sound system is performing perfectly.  MEI did a great job on the installation, very professional and courteous. Thanks for all of your time and help.”

— McAnany, Van Cleave & Phillips, P.A., Kansas City, MO
“Thank you for more than 5 years of great service and support.  It is really nice to do business with people who still answer phones, are knowledgeable, and go out of their way to enable customers to meet deadlines and expectations. I would not hesitate to pass on your name and company to anyone.  Thanks again.”

— Delaval Services LLC, Kansas City, MO
“We chose MEI as our technology specialist after interviewing many AV integrators. Of everyone we spoke with, they were the only provider that listened to our concepts and worked with us on solutions to achieve our vision for a cutting edge facility.  The MEI team is extremely knowledgeable, reliable and easy to work with and continues to meet our timelines.”

— Data Systems International, Kansas City, MO
“The MEI team has been providing me with top notch service almost weekly and are very dependable and courteous. They exhibit extraordinary knowledge and skills in the area of audio visual and electronics.  The service that they provide helps me maintain one of the top conference centers in Kansas City.”

— The Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO
“Whenever I need equipment, all I do is call MEI and they talk me through all of the pros and cons of the equipment.  They ask me tons of questions to make sure what I am wanting is what I am getting.  They do not want to sell you anything if you do not need it!!!  MEI always works with me if I have any problems, which I rarely have!  They even make house calls! I have never felt more supported than when I work with Mission Electronics!  Buy all your equipment from them…you won’t be sorry!!”

— Shawnee Mission School District, Overland Park, KS
“Whenever I need equipment, all I do is call MEI and they talk me through all of the pros and cons of the equipment.  They ask me tons of questions to make sure what I am wanting is what I am getting.  They do not want to sell you anything if you do not need it!!!  MEI always works with me if I have any problems, which I rarely have!  They even make house calls! I have never felt more supported than when I work with Mission Electronics!  Buy all your equipment from them…you won’t be sorry!!”

— Shawnee Mission School District, Overland Park, KS
“Thank you for more than 5 years of great service and support.  It is really nice to do business with people who still answer phones, are knowledgeable, and go out of their way to enable customers to meet deadlines and expectations.  I would not hesitate to pass on your name and company to anyone.  Thanks again.”

— Delaval Services LLC, Kansas City, MO
“We had a large project with MEI, renovating the Council Chambers.  This was a high profile project with a short time line and was very challenging.  They did a great job!”

— Capital Projects Division, City of Kansas City, MO
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